Quick Take: I want to believe but Jodorowsky’s method of healing deep-rooted trauma through provocative performance art therapy brings out my inner skeptic.

91-year-old Alejandro Jodorowsky–surrealist filmmaker and “Father of the Midnight Movie”–is here to prove that you can heal deep-rooted trauma through performative art therapy. Let’s get one thing clear, Jodorowsky is definitely not your typical therapist. On the surface, his method can look a bit questionable, like painting self-portraits with menstruation blood and smashing pumpkins that represent problematic people with sledgehammers. If you think this sounds a bit “Burning Man woohoo,” well you’re not wrong, but for those who are willing to trust Jodorowsky’s intentions as a healer and surrender to the process, his provocative challenges can change your life.

In the fascinating documentary Psychomagic, A Healing Art, also directed by Jodorowsky, he puts patients through a myriad of different simulations by stoking the subconscious to unlock their deepest thoughts and achieve enlightenment. This process we witness was created by Jodorowsky and inspired by his life-long study of philosophy, psychology, ethnology, and world religions. Patients confront traumas head-on by re-enacting them quite literally, from burials to re-births (and lots of nudity in between). The documentary is also intercut with scenes from some of his most famous films, which further demonstrates Psychomagic’s principles.

If you believe in the transformative power of the mind and the unconscious, Psychomagic, A Healing Art will be a fascinating watch. Plus it’s cheaper than a therapy session.

Distributed by ABKCO Films, Psychomagic, A Healing Art is available on VOD this Friday.

Morgan Rojas

Certified fresh. For disclosure purposes, Morgan currently runs PR at PRETTYBIRD and Ventureland.