Influencer life becomes a social media circus in the new Mainstream trailer from director Gia Coppola. Starring Andrew Garfield as a wannabe social media celebrity, Mainstream sees his rise from nobody into “No One Special,” the next big social media sensation whose antics may have consequences for his former friends (Maya Hawke and Nat Wolff).

Mainstream looks to be a very of-the-moment movie that aims to satirize “influencer culture” and its negative consequences of destroying very real human relationships in the making.

We had to share our favorite moments from the insane trailer, which has us pumped to see the film. Check out the trailer and our favorite moments before Mainstream opens in select theaters, on digital platforms and VOD on May 7th.

1. Andrew Garfield, Insane Influencer

Garfield is so good at being a douchebag bro here that you might forget he’s British. #thispineapplelife

2. Emoji-Filled Madness

We can’t wait to see the clever ways in which Gia Coppola will infuse emojis into the real-world moments of the movie. We’re all living between something of a dream and reality as it is already.

3. Having His “Social Network” Moment

Hearing Garfield say, “We’re going stratospheric” with that worlds-conquering intensity makes us think he’s very much enjoying the opportunity to finally be on the other side of internet domination this time. Suck on that, Zuckerberg.

4. A Whole Lot of Hoverboarding

Seeing Garfield glide on this hoverboard is making us think of how many different paparazzi and red carpet moments the actor has deprived us from.

5. Johnny Knoxville Acting, Jake Paul Not So Much

We’re here for Johnny Knoxville channeling his acting skills into playing a talent manager. Less believable will be Jake Paul attempting to play “himself.”

6. This moment

Garfield was clearly waiting his whole life to channel this rock god moment.


Seriously, how many movies have we been deprived of not seeing Garfield channel his inner-freak?

8. Emoji-Overdosing

Emojis coming out of every orifice.

9. Whatever Evil Andrew Garfield is Thinking Here

Unleash your inner glam demon at will, sir.

Check out the full ‘Mainstream’ trailer on YouTube.

Ryan Rojas

Ryan is the editorial manager of Cinemacy, which he co-runs with his older sister, Morgan. Ryan is a member of the Hollywood Critics Association. Ryan's favorite films include 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Social Network, and The Master.