Daniel Scheinert Gets Weird in 'The Death of Dick Long' [WATCH]
We catch up with director Daniel Scheinert (Swiss Army Man), screenwriter Billy Chew, and actors Andre Hyland and Virginia Newcomb before the World Premiere of 'The Death of Dick Long' at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival.
Premise: Dick died last night, and Zeke and Earl don't want anybody finding out how. That's too bad though, cause news travels fast in small-town Alabama.
Jennifer Kent Talks Female Strength in 'The Nightingale' [WATCH]
We catch up with director Jennifer Kent (The Babadook) and actors Aisling Franciosi, Michael Sheasby, and Harry Greenwood before the North American Premiere of The Nightingale at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival.
Premise: Set in 1825, Clare, a young Irish convict woman, chases a British officer through the rugged Tasmanian wilderness, bent on revenge for a terrible act of violence he committed against her family. On the way, she enlists the services of an Aboriginal tracker named Billy, who is also marked by trauma from his own violence-filled past.
Drake Doremus, Garret Price Remember the Late Anton Yelchin
We catch up with director Garret Price and producer Drake Doremus before the World Premiere of Love, Antosha at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival.
Premise: A portrait of the extraordinary life and career of actor Anton Yelchin.
'Paradise Hills' Review: Beautiful Chaos in a Futuristic Rehab
Full disclosure, I didn't intend on seeing 'Paradise Hills' while at the Sundance Film Festival. The only reason Ryan and I ended up in line
Mademoiselles held against their will
Paradise Hills, directed by first-time feature filmmaker Alice Waddington and written by Nacho Vigalondo (Colossal), is a Spanish-American fantasy film centered around the free-spirited Uma (Emma Roberts) and her girl gang. After being sent to a girls-only futuristic rehab on an undisclosed island somewhere on planet Earth, Uma becomes irritated at the lack of control she has over her life. Under the direct supervision of "The Duchess" (Milla Jovovich), all the girls, or mademoiselles as they're referred to by the posh rehab counselors, are forced to dress in ultra-feminine wear, partake in tea time, and make flower crowns- of which only one extracurricular activity is fully explained towards the end of the film.
Uma quickly creates a strong bond with her roommates, Yu (Awkwafina) and Chloe (Danielle Macdonald), but is slower to warm up to the Latin pop star, Amarna (Eiza González). Uma and Amarna's rift doesn't last beyond the film's initial scenes as they realize that, in order to break out of this saturated sanctuary, they're going to need to stick together.
Whimsical stylings overshadow basic plot points
The nods to David Bowie's Labyrinth and Disney's Alice in Wonderland in both story and style are undeniable, yet Paradise Hills falls a short in being considered an equal among these cult classics. Whimsical production design and costumes that look like The Hunger Games-meets-Vogue can only propel Paradise Hills so far. The lackluster script mixed with tepid performances and the absence of basic plot points- like any information about our protagonist's backstory, location or a reference to date/time- are all reasons why I felt disconnected from the film. It's hard to be invested in a character's well-being when there isn't any tangible information to create empathy.
Fantasy gone wrong
The lack of the essential Who, What, When, Where, and Why is ultimately Paradise Hill's biggest downfall, even the headlining cast and colorful onscreen distractions aren't enough to sell this fantasy. Emma Roberts gives a lukewarm performance as Uma; even at the height of the drama in the film's climax, it feels as if she is just reading lines from the script. Milla Jovovich as the stereotypical "Evil Stepmother" of this reform camp is melodramatic and over-exaggerated, creating an off-balance dynamic in her scenes with Roberts. Even Awkwafina, star of last year's Crazy Rich Asians, generates a sense of discomfort and awkwardness as she sheds her "funny girl persona" to play a character riddled with anxiety and depression which seemed like a waste of talent.
Risky business
The best part about the Sundance Film Festival is knowing that every film that earns a spot in the lineup was made with heart, soul, and a whole lot of risk- Paradise Hills is no exception, as it was by far the most boundary-pushing film I saw all week. Its dedication to building this world was not overlooked, although it would've been nice to know specifically what world we were in.
Paradise Hills is currently seeking distribution. 95 minutes.
'Untouchable' Review: Forgiveness for Sex Offenders?
If you're looking to start the year off with a provocative and thought-provoking documentary, I suggest watching Untouchable, a film that examines the divisive topic of sex offender laws and the people they affect.
Director David Feige's 2016 Tribeca-winning doc is centered around one father's uncompromising quest for justice for his daughter and his mission to keep her abuser- the family's former nanny- behind bars and stigmatized for life. But that begs the question- is redemption for sex offenders possible?
The harshest laws in the nation
Sexual abuse doesn't discriminate against race, religion, or status- just ask Ron Book, the most powerful political lobbyist in Florida. When he discovered that his daughter, Lauren, had been the victim of horrific sexual abuse, which took place for years under his own roof by someone he knew and trusted. As a result, Ron was determined to make a change. His legislation, which passed and is currently the strictest in the nation, sent sex offenders into exile. With its enforcement, those convicted must live within certain boundaries, away from public gathering spots where children frequent like schools and parks, many of the accused have succumbed to homelessness. They live under bridges, without tents, because legally, per Book's law, that is the only place they can live. And while over 800,000 people have been affected by these new sex offender laws, this doesn't take in to account the number of people associated with the convicted offender whose life is also uprooted and forever changed.
An indefinite stigmatization
Ron Book shows no sympathy for the people convicted of these crimes, but that is understandable. As a bilateral victim, he is justified in his feelings of hatred. However, there are people on the other side of the issue who feel that sex offenders are the only subcategory of people who "cannot" re-build their lives, they are forever stigmatized as criminals. Murderers, drug addicts and more are encouraged to turn their lives around with the promise of a "fresh start" and "new slate", but the same doesn't apply to sex offenders. Feige interviews some of the people who feel as if they have been stigmatized indefinitely.
Is redemption possible? Louis CK doesn't help the argument for "Yes"
Untouchable is uncomfortable, as is its intention, although David Feige and team likely didn't purposefully include a clip from comedian Louis CK's controversial monologue about child molestation and how "it must be good if people are willing to ruin their lives for this act" just to be controversial. Given the hot water Louis CK finds himself in currently over his own sexual abuse accusations, this "joke" feels too creepy and ill-timed to prove any sort of point for the accused. By the film's end and after a thorough job examining both sides of the issue, Untouchable will force the viewer to debate this hot button topic and leave us with this loaded question: should there be redemption for sex offenders?
'Untouchable' is not rated. 105 minutes. Available on VOD today.
Cinemacy's Top Films of 2018
What we consider to be among the top films of 2018 represents a combination of the movies that had the greatest emotional impact on us, matched with movies that felt innovative or groundbreaking. Here are the films that we consider to be the best of last year:
Morgan's Top 10
10. Assassination Nation
9. Isle of Dogs
8. The Sentence
7. If Beale Street Could Talk
6. Private Life
5. Won't You Be My Neighbor?
4. Vox Lux
3. First Reformed
2. The Favourite
1. Eighth Grade
Honorable mention: Shoplifters
Ryan's Top 10
10. Isle of Dogs
In his second foray into stop-motion animation, the twee-minded Wes Anderson sets out to answer the question: “what does a Japan-set dystopian world that banishes all dogs to a series of inter-connected refuges known as Trash Island look like?” It’s not news that Wes Anderson has invented entire worlds unto themselves in almost all of his films, but Isle of Dogs is one of this year’s clearest achievements in total ground-up creation and imagination. By not only realizing such a visually intricate world full of detail-rich locations but finding the heart in every mangy dog’s sneeze, Anderson and his team of animators pull off one of the year’s greatest feats in film-making. I loved every frame of it.
9. Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
As time goes by and people continue to be divided by generation, more and more the idea of having cultural “icons" who are able to cross-over and connect multiple generations becomes a more unlikely thing, which in turn might make for more isolated human experiences. Perhaps it was perfect, then, to watch Morgan Neville’s (Jane, xx) latest documentary about one of these last-of-his-kind national figures who was adored by audiences of all types. Beyond being a beautiful and gentle handling of the life of Mr. Rogers, showcasing his values of love and self-acceptance, hearing older audiences sing along to the "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" theme song showed the tear-jerking beauty in shared emotional catharsis and connection that, these days, feels too few and far between.
8. Border
I had near-zero knowledge of what I was getting myself into before settling in to see Sweden’s official entry for Best Foreign Film, and that’s exactly how I recommend going into this film. What might best be described as a fairy tale set in modern day, Border follows an unsightly but uniquely gifted customs agent (Eva Melander, in incredible make-up) in which the arrival of a mysterious man leads her into discovering the shocking truths of a vile human – and not so human – underworld. One of the most daring and wildly conceptual film I saw all year, Border delivered a profound feeling that has resonated with me ever since.
7. Hereditary
Hereditary stood tall this year as a brilliant display of auteur-minded horror, showing the arresting power that cinema can waver so powerfully over its audiences. Seeing this A24-produced horror film during its opening weekend with a theater full of audience members was one of the most thrilling and exhilarating movie-going experiences I had this year, the whole room jumping out of our seats and holding breaths through the film's tensest moments. While I might have wished that some of Hereditary's many ideas were further fleshed out, and even that some ideas were pulled back on (to say the film's final coven-inspired sacrificial ceremony was too "conventional" might be an odd thing to say), but with its jaw-dropping nighttime photography and Toni Collette’s chilling, trauma-inducing performance, this film had no problem burning itself into my psyche.
6. Vox Lux
The thing about pop culture is that for all its commercial fantasy and celebrity-worshiping, that there must be reasons and needs for why society feels the need to escape, and which harsh realities society doesn't wish to face. It's a relationship that director Brady Corbett examines in this portrait of a Gaga-esque pop star's rise to fame, from center of national tragedy through Madison Square Garden headlining fame. Shot with imaginative style with Terrence Malick-like sobriety, commenting and showing its horrific and tragic American events, it's a timely and necessary reflection and reminder of the sound of a burst when it pops.
5. Eighth Grade
Another film that handled the duality between invented reality and the less satisfying, more anxiety-ridding real one, was the directorial debut of stand-up comedian and former YouTube sensation Bo Burnham. Like an unexpected front-facing flash from a camera selfie, Burnham turns the camera on a generation that, at his young twenty-eight years of age, that he is now removed from: Gen Z, the first generation of kids to grow up in a totally internet-connected world. The identity crisis of a girl going through her final year of eighth grade feels perfectly of-the-moment with what feels like a universal existential crisis that's being experienced, impressively captured with understanding, sympathy, and wisdom.
4. Minding the Gap
While the story of young skateboarders who seek to escape their dysfunctional family upbringings by goofing off together was brought to the big screen this year in Jonah Hill's semi-autobiographical directorial debut Mid90s, it was the Hulu original documentary Minding the Gap that proved to be the deeper and more affecting examination of the same subject for me. What starts off as a skate video following the fun hang-outs between a group of Illinois kids slowly takes shape into something much bigger; an examination of issues like job-insecurity, race, and domestic abuse that they each experience first-hand. Most impressively, this years-long ranging story (of which comparisons to Boyhood have been attributed) are all captured by one of these kids himself – Bing Liu – who applies his one-man movie-making skills to write, shoot, direct, edit, and interview all of his friends in what was one of the most unexpectedly affecting films of the year for me.
3. American Animals
Somewhat embarrassingly, I had not seen Bart Layton's critically acclaimed first feature film, The Imposter, before seeing his second film, American Animals. So when I saw the film in theaters, I was stunned and transfixed by the way Layton used an array of tools and techniques to tell the real-life story of four young undergrads who set out to steal some of the nation's most prized art books. Infusing documentary-style interviews and meta elements of memory and perceived truths (much like what is on display in The Imposter), Layton re-writes the rules of what is possible to do in movies and one that I praised and recommended any chance I got this year.
2. Cold War
I'd heard great things about director Pawel Pawlikowski's follow-up to his 2013 black and white historical drama Ida (I was aware the film was nominated for a Palme d'Or at Cannes Film Festival, with Pawlikowski walking away with the award for Best Director). And after seeing the film I can both understand and join in the film's praise. A historical drama centered around Poland's post-World War II efforts to strengthen its national identity by celebrating its music through concert performances, at its heart the film is a love story between the Polish music director (Tomasz Kot) and a beguiling, transfixing singer (Joanna Kulig). Spanning multiple years that sees the pair kindle and then re-kindle their relationship amidst national anxieties and struggles (the film was based on the director's own parents' story), Cold War is one of the best films I saw this year or any other.
1. Roma
It seems like the best film of any year somehow ends up linking to the present moment of social politics and culture. The film that had the most profound effect on me, that stands in dignified defiance to the loud, shouting discourse that leads American politics today, is a story about a quiet, humble and sympathetic Mexican maid that does nothing more than tend to her family. Alfonso Cuarón comes off of his space-survival film Gravity to make this visually and beautifully rich autobiographical film. Roma is also a triumph for breaking from traditional narrative film, furthering its themes of total liberation. Shot in black and white 65mm film, there are a number of striking images that transcend the film. Roma opens up like a flower, blooming throughout until it finally reaches beautiful emotional catharsis. Credit the streaming giant Netflix for putting stock in this auteur director’s original film.
Honorable mention: Mandy
'Vice' Review: Beware the Quiet Man
Mystery has always surrounded the life and legacy of Vice President Dick Cheney, second in command to then-President George W. Bush, as he stood seemingly in the shadows during a divisive eight-year term.
In Adam McKay's bio-pic satire Vice, already a frontrunner in the awards chatter, Cheney's life is examined in a "true-ish" fashion, along with some admittedly creative liberty. Cheney was a very secretive man after all, before and during his political reign, and with little concrete material to work with, McKay and company tell us from get-got go: "we did our fucking best."
A silent mastermind
At the time of this review, Vice holds the record as the most nominated film this year. Christian Bale transforms both literally and figuratively into the overweight social climber Richard 'Dick' Cheney, who jumped on an opportunity to attach himself to Donald Rumsfeld (Steve Carell) and ride the political wave into the White House. The film begins on the morning of September 11th, 2001, with Cheney and other Washington heavyweights watching the horrific events unfold. Surrounded by chaos, commotion, confusion, and fear, Cheney remains as cool as a cucumber and, if we are to believe McKay’s rendition, the one who truly lead this country to war. With George W. Bush (Sam Rockwell) as the nation's figurative leader, Cheney is portrayed as the silent mastermind quietly controlling the strings and loving his position of absolute power while he pushed political (and ethical) boundaries.
"Beware the quiet man," goes the saying, and Cheney proves this warning to be accurate. A booze-loving partier in his earlier years, which resulted in getting him kicked out of Yale, Cheney was forced to reign it in by his steadfast and loyal wife, Lynne (Amy Adams). Together, they would raise two daughters Mary (Alison Pill) and Liz (Lily Rabe) and live a comfortable life, but it was Cheney's power-hungry personality that eventually landed him in the White House. His career trajectory is fascinating, while at the same time horrifying, as a tangled web of politics is exposed (it's crazy to think how Watergate seemed like a simpler time in comparison to day's political climate).
Transforming into the political heavyweight (pun intended)
The stacked cast of actors playing infamous political figures adds to the film's already solid package. Bale adds both weight and a slightly stuttering, gravelly voice to the former VP. Carell is heartfelt and humorous, Adams is passionate and inspiring, Rockwell is goofy and childish. Other famous faces making an appearance are Tyler Perry as Colin Powell and Justin Kirk as Scooter Libby, both equally unrecognizable and phenomenal.
Shaking up the narrative with Shakespeare
Vice feels much like director Adam McKay's previous praiseworthy governmental introspective drama The Big Short, which is a multi-dimensional moving collage instead of a straight-forward drama. I wish McKay had taught my history class. I learned so much more about the happening of our government watching The Big Short and now Vice than during my 16 years of schooling. I credit this to McKay's unmatched way of using humor and unconventional film techniques- like running credits halfway through the film as a "gotcha" moment or breaking into a Shakespearean soliloquy- to shake up the narrative. Speaking of which, Jesse Plemons acts as the film's narrator and further explains important plot points with the help of info-graphics (his mysterious relationship to Cheney is explained later).
An eye-opening look at the smooth-talking, self-confident former VP
For a political film, Vice isn't pushing an agenda too hard one way or the other. Some facts can't be disputed, like the incredibly thin margin of 537 votes that tipped Bush and Cheney into the White House. Others may ruffle some right-wing feathers, like George W. Bush getting sloppy drunk and breaking a glass at a White House holiday party. There is, however, no denying the uncanny control Cheney was able to obtain through smooth-talking and self-confidence. From being the youngest chief of staff in history to essentially controlling the United States of America, Vice shows that Cheney's quest for power was silent... and deadly.
'Vice' is rated R for language and some violent images. 132 minutes. Opening everywhere this Christmas.
'Destroyer': Seeking Revenge in the City of Angels
Nicole Kidman appears worlds away from her posh and polished life in HBO's Big Little Lies as she assumes the role of a washed-up undercover federal agent in Karyn Kusama's drama, Destroyer.
A vehicle for Kidman to show she too can play dirty, Destroyer hangs in the balance of being a powerful, character-driven movie but its melodramatic and often frustrating storyline may find it challenging to connect with audiences. The film, which is being released in theaters on Christmas Day, may be devoid of holiday spirit, but there is no shortage of alcoholic spirits if that makes up for it.
Nicole Kidman is practically unrecognizable as she transforms into the disheveled detective Erin Bell, complete with a slight underbite and yellowed teeth. It's obvious that she's had a rough go of things as of late, when we first meet her, she is waking up in her car under a bridge. She arrives at the scene of a crime, a John Doe murder, and immediately is struck by two very specific clues on the unidentified man's body. First, a neck tattoo consisting of three consecutive circles, and second, a couple $100 bills with purple ink markings, indicating the money had been stolen. This is the starting point that sends Detective Bell down an obsessive spiral of delusion as she sets out to solve the mystery, alone.
There is so much more beneath the surface that makes this John Doe particularly captivating to Detective Bell. As told through a series of flashbacks from nine years ago, which act as a second narrative, we learn that Bell was placed undercover with a fellow officer, Chris (Sebastian Stan), to infiltrate and win over the trust of a drug-dealing gang in the California desert. Her time undercover was riddled with anxiety and heartache and, upon discovery of this newly deceased body, Detective Bell relives those tumultuous times by revisiting the members of the gang to finally seek justice.
Director Karyn Kusama's Los Angeles-set crime drama is captivating in its visual aesthetic. In certain scenes, like those that take place in the desert, the color is whitewashed and blown out, giving off a feeling of stuffy discomfort. It looks as if the sun is melting away Bell's exterior shell to reveal her inner truth, which she must hold onto in order to save her life. The film's soundtrack, composed by Theodore Shapiro, adds a beautiful, erratic quality to the cat and mouse game unfolding on screen.
The real anchor here is Kidman who, without a doubt, is the best part about Destroyer. She colors outside of the lines as we are used to seeing her in roles that are less physically demanding. Here she handles machine guns like a champion, takes punches to the gut without giving up, and has emotional breakdowns in nearly every scene. It’s an impressive performance, although at times Kidman sounds like she took a reference from Christian Bale's line delivery in The Dark Knight.
While Kidman's transformation is praiseworthy, her character development plays too heavy and melodramatic to not feel personally burdened by Bell’s misfortune. It's understood that Bell's life has been going downhill due to an awful event nearly ten years ago, yet there are many points in the film when I wondered why she was still obsessively reeling in the tragedy, despite having a child, a husband, and a career. What is the catalyst for living as a rambling alcoholic who doesn't ever change her clothes and sleep in her car? Wouldn't someone have intervened during those last nine years? And if not, how the hell has she kept her job as a detective for all this time if she consistently showed up drunk and disheveled?
Angelinos will appreciate Kusama's unique nods to the city, including multiple references to a Dodger game and a specific storage unit in Koreatown (only a couple blocks away from where I work). The payoff at the end brought a slight smile to my face- the only one I had throughout the duration of the film- take that to mean what you wish. There is no denying that Kusama has created a bold film starring a strong female protagonist, and while that is something we need more of onscreen, it's a shame that Destroyer falls somewhat flat as an inspiration for future filmmakers to emulate.
'Destroyer' is rated R for language throughout, violence, some sexual content, and brief drug use. 123 minutes.