Review: ‘Aloft’
A contemplative, magical-surrealist story from first time feature film director Claudia Llosa.
Review: ‘Sunshine Superman’
Carl Boenish's enthusiasm for life, exploration, and nature's miracles knew no limits, making for one breathtaking and sobering documentary.
Review: ‘The Connection’ (‘La French’)
'The Connection' is evenly styled but plays to familiar drug-war conventions.
Review: ‘Shake the Dust’
This documentary showcases the youth who find an escape in the rhythms of hip hop culture, linking the kindred spirits of breakdancers across the globe.
Review: ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’
Visceral, unconventional, and deranged, 'Mad Max: Fury Road' is a towering feat in blockbuster film making.
Review: ‘Good Kill’
Ethan Hawke embodies the distressed military archetype and conflicted family man in this contemporary war drama.
Review: ‘(Dis)Honesty’
Behavioral economist Dan Ariely explores the rationalization of truth-telling in this heady documentary.