‘My Life as a Zucchini’ Review: Seek Out the Original Swiss Language Version For Its Full Charm
In this case, authenticity is crucial.
‘Lion’ Review: A Destiny is Discovered In This Heartwarming Film
An electrifying journey, but be ready for the waterworks.
‘Columbus’ Review: A Distinct, Harmonious Festival Standout
Online video essayist turned film director's debut.
‘A Ghost Story’ Review: A Cinematic Treasure Trove for Film Lovers
"A Ghost Story" gives us eternity in an hour. (And a half).
‘To The Bone’ Review: A Worthy Debut From One of TV’s Fiercest, Funniest Female Writers
The dive into mental health is weighty but did I mention it's also very funny?
‘Person to Person’ Review: Dry Humor Fuels This Eccentric Ensemble Comedy
Not a "one size fits all" comedy.