Steve Carell, Channing Tatum, and Bennett Miller on ‘Foxcatcher’

"I don’t think we left a day feeling amazing, feeling, “Oh my god, I crushed that scene!” You just don’t on a movie like this." -Channing Tatum

Jake Gyllenhaal on ‘Nightcrawler’

"My form of communication is through the movies I make. This movie is incredibility entertaining, as well as I feel like some kind of commentary...those are the types of movies I wanna make."

Darryl Roberts on ‘America The Beautiful 3’

"They're doing this big anti-bullying campaign and getting rid of the perfume in stores. Seeing that change in [Abercrombie & Fitch]... was almost more gratifying than doing the movie itself."

George C. Wolfe on ‘You’re Not You’

"I worked very intimately with Hilary Swank, but I also don’t want to take anything away from the work that she did. I was just making sure that the story that needs to be told, was being told."

Miles Teller, J.K. Simmons, and Damien Chazelle on ‘Whiplash’

"I have not read a script that has demanded so much from a character. I was happy that Damien had me in mind for the role. This is a movie that’s almost shot like a boxing movie." -Miles Teller

Max Nichols on ‘Two Night Stand’

"I think coming off this movie in particular, I have learned to be very, very careful should I ever encounter the word "snow" or "ping-pong" in a script again."

Mark Duplass and Elisabeth Moss on ‘The One I Love’

"[My character] is like any girl in a relationship trying to figure out whether or not she should stay or go... we have all been there at some point and I really identified with that." -Elisabeth Moss

Director Charlie McDowell and Writer Justin Lader on ‘The One I Love’

"People say, ‘Oh that’s such an ‘indie film’,’ and that terrified me. I didn’t want to make a generic 'indie' film, I wanted it to feel like something bigger." -Charlie McDowell