Kitana Kiki Rodriguez and Mya Taylor on ‘Tangerine’

"It's a blessing to not only be trans, but be trans and a minority and have the opportunity to show people a different side of the world, our life from that point of view!" - Kitana Kiki Rodriguez

Director Matthew Heineman on ‘Cartel Land’

"Shootouts in the streets of Michoacán, meth labs in the dark desert night, torture chambers... I never imagined I would get these things on film."

Director Sean Baker & Writer Chris Bergoch on ‘Tangerine’

'The bravery that they displayed and also their trust, I couldn't ask for more." -Sean Baker, Director

James Ransone on ‘Tangerine’

"I can't help but try to play the funny in things, even if it might be wrong." –James Ransone

Yana Novikova & Director Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy on ‘The Tribe’

"I really found myself in my work; I was fascinated actually, watching and thinking, 'Is that me? That's impossible.'" -Yana Novikova

Thalente Biyela and Natalie Johns on ‘I Am Thalente’

"It is still really hard to believe all that has happened in my life, where I am and how far I've come." -Thalente Biyela

The Cast of ‘Band of Robbers’

We catch up with the eccentric and hilarious cast on the red carpet minutes before the film's World Premiere.

Kevin Corrigan on ‘Results’

"I like the line that Danny has about being pudgy and mellow, and you know – that's good enough for me."