Director Deb Shoval on the Magic of Lola Kirke in ‘AWOL’

"I've always been a big fan of not following rules."

Director Logan Sandler and DP Daniella Nowitz on Colorless Paradise in ‘Live Cargo’

"...Logan just said, 'What if we just shot this movie in black and white?' As a cinematographer, my first reaction was like, 'That's crazy! Look at where we're at, look at these colors!'" -Daniella Nowitz

Nacho Vigalondo talks Stunt Doubles and Spook Houses in ‘Colossal’

"I'm just a guy from Spain writing from his little flat in Madrid, trying to find a way to make a monster movie."

‘Dying Laughing’ Directors Lloyd Stanton & Paul Toogood on Truth in Comedy

"It's probably the most anti-social job you could ever have."

‘The Last Word’ Director Mark Pellington on Insecurity and Taking Risks

“Everyone wants some sense of approval. A filmmaker or actor isn't any different.”

Kris Avedisian and Jesse Wakeman of ‘Donald Cried’ Talk Unexpected Influences

"To be able to make strangers laugh like that is unreal." -Kris Avedisian

Composer Keegan DeWitt on Seeking the ‘Sad Little Happiness’

"It’s obviously not always that simple, but I enjoy the challenge of it."